Business franchise concept EXTÉRIA MARKET is so successful, that it keeps expanding in Czech Republic and opens new Markets. We had a grand opening of another EXTÉRIA MARKET, this time in Uherské Hradiště.

Even in this EXTÉRIA MARKET you may now arrange a consultation in the field of occupational health and safety and fire protection for your companies in the area of Uherské Hradiště, you may also purchase fire extinguishers, safety signs, first aid kits and many other products for occupational safety and fire protection for your workplaces.

To the clients of EXTÉRIA MARKET we offer comfortable premises and professional and expert approach to legal obligations of occupational health and safety and fire protection. The clients will find all the information about the rules there business must follow in order to avoid any potential sanctions from state inspections. The client doesn´t have to do anything, we will handle everything for the client and design a complex solution of legal obligations for low-cost for every entrepreneur and their business field. Furthermore, we will represent each client during state inspection. All of this for free with our complex service.

We believe, that even this EXTÉRIA MARKET will help to our current and potential clients in such a difficult area, which is occupational health and safety and fire protection.


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